Genius Referrals
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Knowing Genius Referrals: We Detect Digital Fraud And Protect Your Data And Private Information

According to a report by the European Central Bank (ECB), fraudulent transactions in digital media amount to 1.8 billion euros per year.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and new technologies, more and more transactions are carried out online. But this has also facilitated the growth of cybercrime and digital fraud through which criminals appropriate personal information, such as bank details, etc.

To detect fraud or scams on the network, it is important to know what are the most frequent methods used by cybercriminals.

Let's look at some of the most common Internet scams:

E-commerce and online shopping
Scams related to online purchases are the most common in the digital field. Many of them take place on fraudulent websites.

Typically, cybercriminals entice users to purchase products that don't exist.

These fraudulent sites consist of a website that the attacker has created imitating the format of real sites and attracting buyers.

How do we avoid these frauds?
If when we browse the site, a "not secure" site appears on the top bar, it means that have not obtained an SSL certificate that guarantees data security. Therefore, we always recommend browsing only official and safe websites.

Phishing is also a common practice used by cybercriminals for banking information and personal data of customers and Internet users.

Phishing includes all those malicious emails that reach a user asking for their private information through a banner, URL, or an infected file.

Normally these emails are sent to the supposed name of recognized companies related to the user in question.

How to avoid these emails?
If we receive emails with promotions that are too flashy and advantageous, they are probably false or contain a computer virus to steal our data.

We should also look at the sender and if it looks suspicious, just discard the email.

SMS or messages from other networks
There are also frequent cases in which SMS messages or messaging platforms are used, as is the case with WhatsApp.

These frauds involve impersonating users, recognized companies, and public institutions so that the victim falls for the deception.

Therefore, we must avoid these frauds by evaluating the authenticity of any message coming from these networks that ask for access to our data.

Striking ads or advertisements
How many times do we browse a website and extremely colorful and eye-catching banners and advertisements appear?

For example, earning easy money, online dating, fictitious job offers, etc., are the type of offers with which we must be very careful on the Internet.

How to avoid cyberfraud and digital scams?

We must be very careful to avoid falling for scams and digital fraud. Let’s see some tips to keep in mind to avoid this type of cyberattack.

  • Protect your data
We verify the authenticity of any email or message that suggests giving you access to our data.

Let's be careful with personal access, user credentials, and password. It is best to memorize them or keep them in writing on paper.

  • Check account privacy settings
Let's check that our data is not visible on the internet and limit the information we share publicly to prevent theft.

  • Report cyberfraud or scams
If we detect a cyberfraud, we owe it to the anti-fraud authority that is dedicated to investigating this type of crime, to take legal action against cyber criminals.
Knowing Genius Referrals. Avoiding cyberfraud is a priority
At Genius Referrals, we protect our client's data and we prioritize the total security of their information, with our Fraud Detection Module.

We remind you that this element will help detect fraudulent activity and allow you to prevent it and take action accordingly.

Our Advocates can activate the fraud rules in the following ways:
  1. Sign in to your Genius Referrals account.
  2. Click on the Preferences section located on the left-side navigation menu.
  3. Within preferences, you will find the Fraud Rules option in the list on the left.
  4. Once there, you just have to activate this option and the rules are displayed
Protect management and personal information
Our team protects the personal information and activity of our clients, preventing cyber fraud of any kind in our referral programs.

Therefore, when a cyberfraud attempt is detected, our clients can proceed as follows:

  • Block List
When activating the Domain fraud rule you need to add the specific IP addresses and domains you want to block.

To get to the Block List we must:

- Sign in to your Genius Referrals account.
- Click on the Preferences section located in the navigation menu on the left side.
- Within preferences, we click on the Fraud Rules option and we will find the Block List in the list on the left.
- Once there you just have to add the IP addresses and domains that you want to be blocked.

If any of your promoters or referrals register in compliance with any of the defined rules, the following measures will be taken:

1- The referral is registered in Pending status and the fraud label will be activated.
2- In the case of the promoter, the total of referrals for fraud will be activated and if it reaches the established limit, it will be automatically suspended.

  • Fraud Registry
To view the details of a member marked as fraudulent you can access the details of the fraudulent referral:

- Sign in to your Genius Referrals account.
- Click on the Members section located on the left side navigation menu.
- Select the Promoter whose information you want to view, and click on the Activities specifically on View.
- To finish, access the details of the promoter, select Fraud Registry, and then look for the referral in the list of frauds.

  • Transitions
In the same promoter details section on the left menu, you will find the Activities and Transitions section. This section shows the different status changes that the promoter goes through since it was registered, as well as who was the author of the status change.

  • Fraud Report
Within the reports found in the Analytics section, the client can find a report on the behavior of the fraud records of their referral program.