1- Choose the right platform
For startup businesses, the best way to earn affiliates is through online platforms like YouTube or a blog.
Always remember to optimize any space for search engines, to quickly capture followers.
Then we start adding affiliate links to the content.
2- Find your real niche
There are numerous niche markets to explore. But we need to narrow down the picture and choose a specific one to avoid wasting resources.
We must focus on topics that the potential client is interested in. Then, when we have already started to generate traffic, we can expand to other areas.
3- Do not neglect the content you share
As we know, the content of social media must be increasingly attractive to gain followers. We need to share quality, interesting and informative topics, to capture the audience and retain it.
The videos, and the post of interactions, are some strategies that we can apply in our Affiliate strategy.
4- Drive traffic to the affiliate site
In addition to sharing innovative, engaging, and interesting content, we need to drive traffic to the affiliate site so users can see it.
There are several ways to increase traffic to a website:
Paid traffic: From PPC ad
SEO: Optimizing pages to position ourselves in Google search engines
Emailing, SMS, Social Media Marketing: Promoting our services to a database of interested clients and contacts via email, SMS and social media can generate traffic to our main website.