
Advantages of word-of-mouth marketing strategies. Effective examples

Word-of-mouth marketing involves the actions taken by a company to motivate others to spontaneously talk about its products, services, or brand.

It is one of the most popular strategies today, with many satisfied customers sharing their experiences and recommending others on their behalf.

Word-of-mouth refers to customers directly promoting the business, usually in person or on social media, through life stories, referrals, or recommendations.

The importance of this marketing strategy comes from the fact that people trust the referrals of their acquaintances, above any other advertising.

This means that when someone sees a friend or family member talking about a certain brand, they are much more likely to take an interest in it and buy.

Word-of-mouth advertising can be done in many ways. But one of the best ones is by getting positive customer reviews. Most people read reviews before deciding whether or not to visit a business.

Also, good reviews help boost online reputation, gain exposure and make people aware of the brand.

Likewise, it can be promoted through referral or affiliate marketing and offer rewards to loyal customers to become brand promoters.

What does word-of-mouth Marketing bring us?

Word-of-mouth marketing is all about getting people to talk about your brand or business. Promotes sharing, typically through general consumer interest or unique content.

Through referrals and positive recommendations, we will be able to obtain new prospects who will become loyal customers.

But we must know that word-of-mouth occurs naturally in the process of referring to others because let's not forgotten that it is an unpaid marketing technique to generate natural conversations about the company or its products. People tell others about the brand and how much they liked it.

Examples of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

What techniques can we use to create word-of-mouth marketing?

  • Using User-Generated Content
The user's opinion on social networks is the best weapon to show other clients the positive recommendations that we can obtain.

The content that customers and users create is the best source of marketing through social media posts, comments, videos, blog posts, and anything a customer shares about our company and its products and services, always with references or recommendations.

  • Client Testimonials
Client testimonials are a source of life stories that can help us with storytelling strategies.

The stories and testimonials generated by word-of-mouth are very valuable, as they are made by customers who have used our product and are satisfied with it.

Once we have a client's testimonial, whether, by questionnaire, interview, etc., we can use it on our website, social networks, and marketing campaigns.

  • Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing implies that a recognized figure in the field of your company talks about your product, publishes its image, or recommends it. This is a perfect technique for building brand awareness, generating sales, and creating positive word-of-mouth.

2022-09-30 11:46 Referral Marketing Loyalty